Management Question – Research Question – Investigation Question

Abhishek Dayal

In the context of research and management, these three terms—Management Question, Research Question, and Investigation Question—refer to different stages and aspects of the inquiry process.

Types of Research Questions by Study Terrain
Types of Research Questions

Management Question: 

A management question is a broad inquiry related to the field of management. It typically focuses on understanding or addressing managerial issues, challenges, or strategies within organizations. Examples of management questions include:

1. How can organizations effectively implement change management strategies to improve employee acceptance and reduce resistance?

2. What are the key factors influencing employee motivation and job satisfaction in the workplace?

3. How can organizations improve their leadership development programs to foster effective leadership skills among managers?

4. What are the best practices for managing diversity and promoting inclusion within organizations?

5. What are the strategies for effectively managing organizational conflicts and promoting positive conflict resolution?

Research Question: 

A research question is a specific question that guides a research study or investigation. It is more focused and narrow compared to a management question. A research question should be answerable through research methods and should contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Examples of research questions related to management could be:

1. What is the impact of employee training programs on job performance in the hospitality industry?

2. How does transformational leadership style influence employee engagement and organizational commitment?

3. What are the factors influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty in the e-commerce sector?

4. How do organizational culture and climate affect innovation and creativity in the technology industry?

5. What are the effects of performance-based reward systems on employee motivation and productivity in manufacturing companies?

Investigation Question: 

An investigation question is a specific question that guides an investigation or study within a management context. It is more focused than a research question and aims to explore or analyze a particular aspect or phenomenon. Investigation questions often arise from the research question and help researchers gather data or evidence to answer the research question. Examples of investigation questions related to management could be:

1. How do different communication channels impact employee engagement in a virtual team setting?

2. What are the specific strategies used by successful entrepreneurs to overcome business challenges during the startup phase?

3. How does organizational structure influence decision-making processes and outcomes in large multinational corporations?

4. What are the factors contributing to employee turnover in the retail industry, and how can organizations reduce turnover rates?

5. How do corporate social responsibility initiatives affect brand reputation and consumer perception in the food and beverage industry?

It's important to note that these examples are just illustrative, and the actual management, research, or investigation questions will depend on the specific context, objectives, and research interests of the researcher or organization.

For More Visit Business Research Methods


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