Simplex Method Of Solving Linear Programming Problems

Abhishek Dayal

The simplex method is an iterative procedure for solving linear programming problems. It was developed by George Dantzig and is widely used for optimization in various fields. The simplex method starts with an initial feasible solution and systematically moves towards the optimal solution by improving the objective function value at each iteration.

Advantages of Solving Linear Programming Problems by Simplex Method

The simplex method is a widely used technique for solving linear programming (LP) problems. It offers several advantages:

Advantages of Solving Linear Programming Problems by Simplex Method by Study Terrain
Advantages of Solving Linear Programming Problems by Simplex Method


The simplex method is highly efficient for solving LP problems, particularly when there are a large number of variables and constraints. It is known for its ability to find the optimal solution relatively quickly in most cases.


The simplex method can be applied to linear programming problems with any number of variables and constraints. It is not limited to two-variable problems, making it versatile for a wide range of applications.


When a solution is found using the simplex method, it is guaranteed to be optimal. This means that the solution represents the best possible outcome given the constraints and objective function.

Bounded Feasible Region: 

The simplex method works well when the feasible region (the set of all possible solutions that satisfy the constraints) is bounded. It efficiently explores the vertices of the feasible region to find the optimal solution.

Sensitivity Analysis: 

The simplex method provides valuable sensitivity information. It can quickly determine how changes in coefficients (objective function coefficients or constraint coefficients) impact the optimal solution. This is essential for decision-makers to understand the robustness of the solution.

Multiple Solutions: 

The simplex method can identify multiple optimal solutions if they exist. In some cases, there may be more than one combination of decision variables that yield the same optimal objective function value.

Easily Implemented: 

The simplex method can be implemented with relative ease using various software packages, which means you don't need to perform the calculations manually. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

Geometric Intuition: 

Similar to the graphical method, the simplex method provides a geometric interpretation of the problem. It moves from one vertex of the feasible region to another, which can help users understand the problem intuitively.

Historical Significance: 

The simplex method has historical significance in the field of optimization and operations research. It was one of the earliest methods developed for solving linear programming problems and paved the way for further developments in optimization techniques.

Well-Established Theory: 

The simplex method is based on well-established mathematical theory, and its convergence to the optimal solution is guaranteed for bounded problems. This theoretical foundation provides confidence in its results.

Steps involved in solving Linear Programming Problems by Simplex Method

The simplex method is a widely used algorithm for solving linear programming (LP) problems. It is an iterative approach that starts with an initial feasible solution and gradually improves it to find the optimal solution. 

Steps involved in solving Linear Programming Problems by Simplex Method by study Terrain
Steps involved in solving Linear Programming Problems by Simplex Method

Here's an explanation of the simplex method:

Step 1: Formulate the LP Problem

Define the objective function, which you want to maximize or minimize.
Specify the constraints of the problem with their corresponding inequalities.
Identify the decision variables and their non-negativity constraints.

Step 2: Convert the LP Problem to Standard Form

Ensure that the LP problem is in standard form, which means that:

The objective function is to be minimized.
All constraints are expressed as equalities.
All decision variables have non-negativity constraints.

Step 3: Initialize the Simplex Tableau

Create an initial tableau using the coefficients of the standard form equations.
Include slack or surplus variables for each constraint to convert the inequalities to equalities.

Step 4: Identify the Pivot Column

Select the column (variable) with the most negative coefficient in the objective function row.

Step 5: Identify the Pivot Row

Calculate the ratios of the right-hand side (RHS) values of each constraint to the corresponding coefficients in the pivot column.
Choose the row with the smallest non-negative ratio as the pivot row.

Step 6: Perform Row Operations to Update the Tableau

Divide the pivot row by the pivot element (the element at the intersection of the pivot row and pivot column) to make the pivot element equal to 1.
Perform row operations to make all other elements in the pivot column equal to 0.
Update the tableau accordingly.

Step 7: Repeat the Process

Check if the current solution is optimal by examining the objective function row. If all coefficients are non-negative, you've reached the optimal solution; otherwise, continue to the next step.

Step 8: Iterate

Repeat steps 4 to 7 until you reach the optimal solution.
In each iteration, choose a new pivot column and pivot row, update the tableau, and check for optimality.

Step 9: Interpret the Results

Once you've reached the optimal tableau, you can read off the optimal solution and the corresponding values of the decision variables. These values provide the solution to the LP problem that optimizes the objective function while satisfying all constraints.

The simplex method is a systematic and efficient way to solve linear programming problems with more than two variables, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.


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